Physical fitness is very important for Hajj and Umrah. If you are physically sick, Hajj and Umrah are very difficult for him. Because Hajj and Omar have a lot of physical pain. So there’s no alternative to being physically healthy. It’s very difficult for those who have a little fat or bangs. It’s also very difficult for those who have long been suffering from physical illness. So those who will do Hajj and Umrah should try to take care of the body for a minimum of 2-3 months before and keep the body’s fitness fixed. And consult with the doctor who suffers from long-term illness. Below we will know how the body fits Hajj and Umrah and what fitness is needed.
Physical fitness preparation
There must be different types of physical fitness preparations before going to Hajj. If you don’t have those preparations, you can’t hajj properly and get sick. So you need to make the preparations before. The following are the mentioned preparations.
How to prepare physical fitness for Hajj or Umrah. 5 Ways to physical fitness are essential for Hajj or Umrah. The types are discussed below.
walk, exercise, footwear, food, and vaccines.
You have to Start walking regularly minimum 2-3 months before Hajj or umrah. First, walk slowly. Then slowly increase the speed and distance of walking. Because you may need to walk a lot of hajj or umrah. If you don’t walk before, you can get sick when you start walking in Hajj or Umrah suddenly. You can walk a mountain path or a high-low place during walking. Because during the Hajj you may feel a situation where you need to walk in high places, so get used to the habit before. So it’s easy for you. Also try using the lift without using the lift to rise and get up. This will help you a lot. Why walking may take place during the Hajj, we will try to discuss some of the places you need to walk.
- Hotel: The hotel set for you may be quite far from Mecca or Medina. It will depend on your package. If your hotel is quite far from Mecca or Medina, you will have to walk there. You can also use the car. But getting a car can always be a little problem. And if you want to perform five prayers in Haram, you may need to walk from the hotel. So you have to practice walking. However, try to know from the travel agency that you’re going to go today or Umrah, how far will your hotel stay from Mecca or Medina? Whether it is possible to walk there.
- Tawaf: Tawaf is one of the most important parts of Hajj and Umrah. If you go to Hajj or Umrah, you have to wait. Tawaf will give you seven wheels around the Kaba. Usually it is 1.4 km. And it takes about 20 minutes to complete it. But if there is a crowd, it may take up to 3.5 km to tawaf. So you should be used to walking before so that it doesn’t hurt much. And if you want to avoid fear, you can tawaf on the roof of the mosque al-Haram. The cycle of the roof is about 2 km. So it may take longer there.
- Sa’i: Running between the Safa and Marwa mountains or walking is an important part of Hajj or Umrah . Safa and Marwa are about 450 meters. Those who are 3.15 km long. This long way you have to walk through. It takes about 35 to 40 minutes to complete it. Which is very difficult, so you should practice walking before.
- Hajj: Change several places during the Hajj. There is a bus system for this transfer, but many people like to walk. Walking is sometimes the only way to go if the bus is not possible or the bus stops for any reason. Therefore, if you walk before you take physical preparation, you won’t have much difficulty walking.
I will try to mention some of the places that may take a walk. But you’ll get the bus in these awakenings.
8th Jill-Hajj | Mosque from Al-Haram to Mina | 8 km.
9th Jill-Hajj | Mina to Arafat | 13 km |
Muzdalifa from Arafat | 8 km.
10th Jill-Hajj | Mina from Mujdalifa | 4 km|
Mina to Jamarat | 3 km
Masjid al-Haram From Jamarat | 5 km
Masjid al-Haram from Mina | 8 km
11th Jill-Hajj | Mina to Jamarat |3Km
Mina from Jamarat | 3 km |
12th Jill-Hajj | Mina to Jamarat | 3 km
If you can go by bus, there is no way without walking if you can sometimes get the bus near you due to the crowd. So I had a habit of it before.
You can also do different types of exercise as soon as you walk. Because when you walk a lot, you may experience pain in different places, including muscles, feet, and ankles. If you exercise, it is possible to get rid of this pain or problem. Also, physical energy is especially important during the Hajj. Physical strength is required for any hard work and long walk. So there’s no option to exercise to provide physical energy. Therefore, exercise more so that your physical strength is generated and your body is tight. Moreover, there is no option to exercise to keep the body correct. Therefore, I have been exercising regularly since three months ago. Also, we should exercise throughout the year to keep the body healthy.
Footwear is an important thing. Because we need a lot of walking in Hajj or Umrah. Many people use new shoes. It’s a serious mistake. Because sometimes we can wear blisters on our feet when using new shoes. So it’s better to use old and comfortable shoes. As if a lot of walking doesn’t have any difficulty.
Food should be developed into a beautiful diet before Omara or Hajj. A beautiful routine should be done where there will be balanced food and vitamins of different types. Because we need a lot of energy in Hajj or Omar. And the right food provides us with this energy. We should eat fish, meat, vegetables, or plenty of fruits to meet the lack of balanced food, vitamins, or enough supply. And these fish, meat, vegetables, or fruits will meet all our needs and provide minerals.
Moreover, we should leave fat and processed food. Different types of fast food and unhealthy foods should be excluded from routine. Also, sugar, tea, and coffee should be consumed in very small quantities. Meat should eat less fruit than national meat.
A vaccine should be used if you have any physical illness or infectious disease. Below is the discussion of what vaccine should be used for.
- Yellow fever: If your country or region is at risk of yellow fever, you need to take a vaccine for yellow fever. And you need to provide a yellowish ticker certificate.Where there should be proof of vaccination from at least 10 days to a maximum of 10 years ago.
- Meningococcal meningitis: countries with meningitis at risk must take the meningitis vaccine. And it must have certificates where passengers from at least 10 days to 3 years must receive a vaccination.
- Poliomyelitis: countries at risk of polio infection (e.g., Afghanistan, Chad, Nigeria, Pakistan) must take a single polio vaccine. The minimum 6 weeks before the polio vaccine is required to pay the certificate for entering Saudi Arabia. Passengers from these countries will also be vaccinated with 1 dose of polio on the Saudi border.
- Seasonal influenza: Those with severe influenza risk, such as pregnant women, children under five years, and older people, and those who have previously had any health problems, such as HIV/AIDS, should be taken for the seasonal influenza vaccine.
From the above information, we can learn about the importance of physical fitness to Umrah or Hajj. There is no option for a beautiful Hajj or Umrah and to keep physical fitness fixed. And to keep this physical preparation fixed, all the steps we need to cross should be done properly. Then we won’t have much problem with Hajj or Umrah . Also, a physical doctor should consult a Hajj or Umrah at least three months ago. And a routine should be taken from him and carried according to that routine. Physical exercises and diets should be made according to routine. There should also be various infectious disorders vaccines. If everything is done perfectly, our Hajj and Umrah journey will be beautiful.