12th Dhul-Hijjah
Overnight stay in Mina and stoning the Jamarat
Actions to perform on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah
On the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah, spend the night in Mina and proceed to stone the three Jamarat after midday.
If the Tawaf al-Ifadah and Sa’i have not yet been performed, it is better to spend the night of Tashreeq in Mina and then go to Makkah the next day to complete the obligatory Tawaf and Sa’i before returning to Mina. Alternatively, one can go to Makkah on the evening of the 12th Dhul-Hijjah to complete the Tawaf and Sa’i and return to Mina before midnight. It is desirable to spend more than half of the night in Mina.
Following the same method as on the 11th Dhul-Hijjah, stone the three Jamarat starting from the westward leaning of the sun until sunset.
Typically, there is heavy crowding for stoning the Jamarat during the early hours of the 12th Dhul-Hijjah. Therefore, it is advisable to go later in the afternoon. If necessary, the Mina stay may end on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah. Due to special hardships or urgent matters, such as fear of property loss, lack of safety, serious illness, tending to the sick, fear of job loss, etc., one may leave Mina and go to Makkah, Aziziyah, or their accommodations before sunset on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah after stoning.
However, without any valid reason, it is better not to leave Mina on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah. Staying in Mina for three days and nights for stoning the Jamarat was the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Allah says in the Qur’an: “And whoever hastens to leave after two days—there is no sin upon him; and whoever remains until the third—there is no sin upon him—for him who fears Allah.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:203)
If one wishes to end their stay in Mina on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah, they must leave the boundaries of Mina before sunset. If sunset occurs while still in Mina, one must stay the night and continue stoning the three Jamarat the next day before leaving Mina.
Upon leaving Mina, the final Hajj obligation is the Farewell Tawaf. This must be performed before departing for one’s home country or traveling to Madinah. (An-Nasa’i: 3044)
It is observed that some Hajj agencies, especially from the Indian subcontinent, often lead pilgrims out of Mina on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah after stoning the Jamarat. They cite reasons such as Quranic verses or the excuse of a few sick individuals, claiming that everyone is exhausted or tents will be dismantled. Their aim is to facilitate an easier completion of Hajj by shortening the duration of the stay. While some individuals may have valid reasons, applying this broadly to all is improper.
If you are among those who want to follow the Sunnah and stay for three nights in Mina, consider staying independently, even if your group leaves. It is only one more day. Follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him) by staying three nights in Mina, stoning the Jamarat, and then returning to your accommodations.
If your tent is vacated, consider staying near the Jamarat or at Masjid Khaif. This mosque is usually less crowded at this stage, with air conditioning operating 24 hours and ample facilities nearby.
13th Dhul-Hijjah
Overnight stay in Mina and stoning the Jamarat
Actions to perform on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah
Spend the night in Mina and proceed to stone the three Jamarat after midday, just as on the 11th and 12th Dhul-Hijjah.
On the last day, you will notice that Mina has become significantly less crowded. After the Asr prayer, Takbeer Tashreeq ends. Afterward, leave Mina and return to Makkah, Aziziyah, or your accommodation.
Staying in Mina for two or three nights during Ayam al-Tashreeq and stoning the Jamarat daily was an obligatory act. Express gratitude to Allah for granting you the opportunity to complete Hajj.
Although the final and conclusive act of Hajj remains—the Farewell Tawaf. Before departing for your home country or Madinah, this Tawaf must be performed.
During your remaining stay in your hotel, rest and attend prayers in congregation at the mosque. Since Aziziyah/Shisha is within the boundaries of the Haram, each prayer in congregation here brings the reward of more than 100,000 rakats. You may also hire a car with a group to visit Masjid al-Haram for additional voluntary Tawaf and prayers.
Some pilgrims, despite fulfilling all Hajj rites correctly, may entertain doubts about whether they made any mistakes during Hajj. Some Hajj agencies also encourage pilgrims to give extra expiation (damm) unnecessarily.
This is a grave error. Doubting a properly performed Hajj due to whispers from Shaytan invalidates trust in one’s acts of worship. If you have any doubts, consult knowledgeable scholars about specific issues. Only give expiation if they recommend it.
If any wajib (mandatory) act of Hajj is missed and requires expiation, do not trust someone blindly with money to arrange the sacrifice. Use authorized charitable institutions or banks in Makkah to arrange for the damm. Alternatively, hire a taxi to go within the Haram boundary to areas like Kilo Ashara or Akashiya, purchase an animal, and arrange the sacrifice. Group sacrifices are not permissible for damm. If you return home without fulfilling this, it can be arranged remotely through someone in the Haram boundary.
Farewell Tawaf
The Farewell Tawaf (Tawaf al-Wida) is wajib. The Prophet (peace be upon him) performed this Tawaf and said, “Let none of you leave until his last act is to circumambulate the Kaaba.” He also exempted menstruating women from this requirement. (Bukhari: 1755, Muslim: 3110, Abu Dawood: 2002)
Perform this Tawaf right before leaving Makkah. Remember, this must be your final act in Makkah. After this Tawaf, engage in no delaying activities, such as sightseeing. Without a valid excuse, further delay may necessitate another Tawaf.
There is no Sa’i after this Tawaf. However, you must perform two rakats of prayer following the Tawaf and drink Zamzam water before leaving. Some people leave the mosque while walking backward as a mark of respect, which has no basis in Islamic teachings.
It is also advised not to remain in Makkah for more than three days after completing Hajj, except for valid reasons. (Muslim: 3188, Abu Dawood: 2022)
If a woman completes Tawaf al-Ifadah but experiences menstruation before Tawaf al-Wida and cannot wait, she may leave without offering expiation. (Bukhari: 1755, 1757; Muslim: 3111)
This Tawaf completes your Hajj. Offer gratitude to Allah for granting you the ability to fulfill this blessed obligation.